There have been lots of "paleo challenges" on the blogs lately, each with a different punishment and reward for efforts. Ours is no different.
Those of you who are not familiar with what paleo means there are several great sources online:
Robb WolfThe Paleo DietAs well as some great places to find recipes and meal ideas
performance menu caveman food (not a good fitness blog but look around she has great food ideas)
If you want more ask I have a couple but just Google paleo food recipes you are bound to find something.
So back to the challenge. We have decided to create our own challenge. It started with
The Jer,
Loo, Danae and me. We made the pact then got absolutely trashed on cheep Japanese beer. then started the next day. It has grown adding several of people and intriguing others.
The details:
The challenge runs from two weeks ago for us, whenever you decide to start for you, until Halloween.
NO GLUTEN!! EVER! Not even with cheat meals.
You can have dairy (milk, dressing, cheese, ice cream, etc) one time every other week
You can have one cheat meal per week.
On those cheat meals you can have improper proportions (for those who eat zone or close to it), fried food, sugar, candy just about anything as long as it does not have any gluten in it and dairy only every other week.
Sounds simple enough?
Its really not so bad, I did 5 weeks but with dairy once a week and it was actually pretty easy. For me it was the beer that killed me but thanks to Whole Foods there is a good answer to that:
Redbrige Gluten Free BeerTrust me its good.
Ok so now that you read all that now you need to know the price.
The punishment is simple really.
30 MIN OF 6 COUNT BURPEESsee not so bad. If you dont know what a 6 count burpee is just ask me, Jeremy, Loo or one of the trainers. It will be taped and posted to facebook like all good
public embarrassments should be. Those burpees will be counted out by one of the non-cheaters and if you stop moving so does the clock. The 30 mins is 100% active so if it takes you 60 min to do 30min of burpees, well then you shouldn't have cheated.
Before you say "sounds great I f*$@ing hate burpees! I would never cheat if I knew I had that coming" read this:
Burpees vs Cookies. Its a good write up of why punishment does not always work. Personally it works pretty well for me but to each their own.
So after all that: Good luck and be ready to cut loose on Halloween.
aka Voltron