Tuesday, January 27, 2009

HOLLY SHIT My body is not happy!


20x 100m sprints
45 sec. rest between each

I did this on the track and it sucked! My body was hurting afterwords but I like what this kind of work will do for my endurance so I sucked it up. They were not very fast but I'm fat so fuck you.

Monday WOD:
AMRAP in 20
400m run
21x 35# DB thrusters

This sucked too. I did 4 full rounds plus the run and 19 thrusters. I missed 5 rounds by two fucking thrusters. That's what I get for resting with less then a minute to go I guess; so fuck me.

Monday O-Lift
(the Rx'ed work is 3 sets of 3 but I did it a little different)

Power Snatch 3 sets of 3 (3/3)95 x3 (did some extra at 95 with 3 OHS after each snatch); 115 x3 135x3

Power Clean 3/3: 135 x3; 185 x6

Clean Dead Lift Shrug 3/3: 225 x3; 275 x3; 285 x3 (sucked need to work on hook grip)

Push Jerk 3/3: 135x ? I did a handful maybe 20x I was really focused on technique

OHS 3/3: 95 x5 95 x5 105x3 (I am not good at this! Spent some extra time working technique)

Front Squat 3/3: 145 x15 (too lazy to change the weight and my legs were getting really tight so I kept it light and went for depth)

It was a long Monday but I am back at it tonight.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January Update

Its been a while since my last post and not for any good reason but I will try to sum up the last few weeks.

X-Mas was tough. I am a creature of habit, I like my routines and when my routines are messed with I fall apart. I continually tell my girlfriend that I am a simple man and I truly believe that. I feel like my needs are simple, I get up go to work go to gym go home sleep start over. Very little changes from day to day and that is fine but when you throw in Christmas parties, long weekends, booze and sweets I get crazy. My diet goes to shit and my self control more closely reassembles a 10 year old with ADHD who got into his mom's diet pills than an adult. Lets just call it like it is I was lazy and ate and drank like it was my job.

Got to go watch the USC Trojans smash Penn St in the Rose Bowl on Jan 1st. That really has nothing to do with this I just wanted to put that out there.

Now that things are getting back I feel like I am starting to make some gains. I have been doing a consistent schedule now of

6pm Crossfit
8pm O-lift

6pm Crossfit

6pm Crossfit
(8pm O-Lift I take if I missed Monday O-Lift)


630pm Crossfit

7am Mt Wilson Trail Race training run
9am Crossfit
10am O-lift

Off or Run

The O-lift classes are whats really helping me. My strength is not bad but my technique is coming along making my lifts better and better. I seem to PR every class.

My body weight is starting to tick down and although I have been bad at it I am still zoning. My tendency is to be pretty good all day then it goes to shit at night but I am getting better and the more I do it the easier its getting. I really think losing about 10lbs will do me wonders.

I feel good about where I am right now considering my activity level form July through September. Now if I can stay close to the zone and keep going to the gym I will be ok.

Now I need to start getting back to the things I love/hate and that's endurance work. I broke out "The Hate Machine" this week and now I'm running at least once a week.

I will post some of my current PR's soon and keep them update