20x 100m sprints
45 sec. rest between each
I did this on the track and it sucked! My body was hurting afterwords but I like what this kind of work will do for my endurance so I sucked it up. They were not very fast but I'm fat so fuck you.
Monday WOD:
AMRAP in 20
400m run
21x 35# DB thrusters
This sucked too. I did 4 full rounds plus the run and 19 thrusters. I missed 5 rounds by two fucking thrusters. That's what I get for resting with less then a minute to go I guess; so fuck me.
Monday O-Lift
(the Rx'ed work is 3 sets of 3 but I did it a little different)
Power Snatch 3 sets of 3 (3/3)95 x3 (did some extra at 95 with 3 OHS after each snatch); 115 x3 135x3
Power Clean 3/3: 135 x3; 185 x6
Clean Dead Lift Shrug 3/3: 225 x3; 275 x3; 285 x3 (sucked need to work on hook grip)
Push Jerk 3/3: 135x ? I did a handful maybe 20x I was really focused on technique
OHS 3/3: 95 x5 95 x5 105x3 (I am not good at this! Spent some extra time working technique)
Front Squat 3/3: 145 x15 (too lazy to change the weight and my legs were getting really tight so I kept it light and went for depth)
It was a long Monday but I am back at it tonight.
2 weeks ago
try it again - should be public now...
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