Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Road Back Again

I have been away for a while, I apologize but I have been working hard and trying not to screw up my shoulder rehab but I am close. I can do most things without pain, including pull-ups which were totally impossible just a few weeks ago.

I have had a couple of Pr's on the C2:
2K 7:20
5K 19:24

I also Pr'd Michael a few weeks ago by 25 seconds so I have not lost it. I am still about 2 weeks from really starting to lift but its close I can feel it.

Tomorrow will be a good test. I will have the OG No Name Gym crew at the Academy so my little speal about taking it easy might have to wait till Saturday.

I have also been doing some Long Slow Duration (LSD) stuff which sucks but is a necesary evil

I did the MWTR course about 3 weeks ago in 1:42. looking forward to the race! I have also signed up for a City Chase with a buddy. Team Jimmy Jam will crush it.

"Only people willing to work to the point of discomfort on a regular basis using effective means to produce that discomfort will actually look like they have been other-than-comfortable most of the time."

Coach Rip

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