So I ran a marathon.
It was long.
I did it after almost everyone told me not to do it because of what happened after my last long training run. For those of you that have not heard I had to go to the emergency room after my run two weeks ago with severe stomach cramps and vomiting. I was suffering from an electrolyte imbalance and dehydration. That was one of the worst feelings I have ever had. Because of that I did nothing all week but felt good Friday and Saturday so I decided to run.
I woke up early Sunday, felt good and got going. I did everything I could to prepare myself as far as nutrition was concerned. I had initially wanted to do the whole thing paleo style but after what happened the previous weekend and my lack of testing I decided to pass on that and went with the GU's and electrolyte/potassium/calcium pills. I started with the pills and Gatorade first thing Saturday and upped the dosage during the run taking a total of 16 pills on the course along with 6 GU's.
The first 14 miles were the most fun I have had on a run. Black Jon and I were having a blast and annoying the people around us as much as possible. Jon had his phone playing music at full blast so we sang and danced when we felt it appropriate. I like to think we helped lighten the mood. People take these things way to serious. Nothing that takes that long and is that hard should lack fun.
At about mile 14 I had to back my pace down some while Jon, because of his time goal had to keep it up or even pick it up so we split ways. I maintained my slightly slower pace for a while after that. At about mile 18 I started to develop a blister on my foot but was able to take care of it with some Vaseline.
Miles 18-22 were fun taking us through CSULB where the students were out having a good time and cheering the runners on. It helped.
At about mile 22 after walking through an aid station I was caught by one of the pacers. She was leading a group that was intending on finishing at 4:15. I thought perfect I can handle this pace, I feel pretty good still and my foot issues are under control. So thats what I did for the next mile or so.
Just after mile 23 I started to break down. My legs started to cramp and I went from OK to shitty in about 10 steps. My legs had enough and started to just stop. I tried to walk it off letting the legs settle a little but each time I would try to start to run even in a slow trot my legs would cramp from calf to hip. It was pretty brutal. Because of that I had to walk. So that's what I did for about 3 miles I walked watching my time slip away with every agonizing step. And they wer agonizing steps I was massaging my quads while I walked because if I didn't I would have had to stop entirely.
But I finished in a respectable (I guess) 4:50. I was angry that my legs let me down but I had never run anything close to that distance and only really did 4 runs over 10miles prior to that and the only one over 13 put me in the hospital.
All that said it was a blast but I dont need to do that again any time soon. 13.1 sure any time; I like that distance a lot but you can keep your marathons.
Huge respect to Jon who beat his time goal of 4:00 with a 3:57.
Well done sir.
2 weeks ago
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