Monday, December 1, 2008

Back On the Bus!!

This is my bus.
There are many like it but this one is mine.
My bus is my best friend.
It is what keeps me from early onset diabetes.
I must master it as I must master my eating habits
Without will power my bus is useless.
Without direction my will power is useless.
I must drive my bus straight and narrow.
This is my bus.

No more excuses. My first attempt back to the zone was cut painfully short by a great vacation and an overall lack of effort but I think I am ready. I packed my lunch today and if dinner goes according to plan, and it should without a hitch, I will have a solid 17 block day. For me its not so much what I can and can not eat and I don't really get that hungry, the hard part is forcing down a breakfast. I try to do a 4 block breakfast but its hard. If I did not hate eggs with such a passion it may not be so bad but 4oz. of turkey at 5:45am sucks.

I am back on the bus committed. I plan on attending at least 3 crossfit classes this week as well so between the zone and the gym I think I will have earned the weekend.

Bus don't fail me now!

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