Wednesday, October 22, 2008

120 and bloody hands

I did the WOD yesterday.

Ten rounds for time of:
12 Burpees
12 Pull-ups

NOT FUN. I had a previous pr of 23:53. It was not that fast. I tore the shit out of my hands for 30:15. over 6 minuets slower. Now I cant be too upset because I am still early on my road into fitness but it sucked. As you can see below not only was my arms and back not very well prepared for the pullups but my hand was definitely not.

my left hand started bleeding in the same spot as the blister above in the 4th round. It didn't really hurt but the blood mixed with the chalk on the bar and ground was impressive. At least it was to me, the 24hour fitness employee who informed me chalk was not allowed in the gym (lame) asked me to clean it up and did not look to happy about the white hand prints on the ground wiht little blood drops in them. I kept using the chalk after he asked me to stop, there was no way I could have finished without it.

I again got tons of strange looks but I monopolized the pull-up bar/tricep pull-down cable area in a very crowded gym. Once I got started nobody wanted any part of my sweaty little are.

I have decided to follow the crossfit model of 3 on 1 off so today is a rest day and I think it is well deserved. Back at it on Thursday.

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